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François-Marie Monnier
Le Jas de Collavery
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Terms of Use

This site is edited and controlled by:
François Marie MONNIER
Psychanalyse Online
17 bis Cours Mirabeau

Telephone: 04 42 38 26 13

Design, development and hosting

Intellectual property rights
The website is protected by intellectual property rights and is the exclusive property of Psychanalyse Online. The design, graphics, contents and organisation of this site are original works and are the sole property of Psychanalyse Online. All reproductions, or plagiarisme, total or partial, made without the consent of the author, or their successors or assignees are illicit. The same applies to translations, adaptations and arrangements by whatever procedure (French Law 57298 of 11th March 1957).

Hypertext links with external sites
Psychanalyse Online does not have any control over the content of external sites. The existence of a hypertext link between the Psychanalyse Online site and an external site does not signify in any way the control of the content of the external site by Psychanalyse Online.

Exoneration of responsibility
It is up to the user of this site to take all the necessary measures in order to protect their own data and programmes from contamination by possible viruses circulating on the internet network.

Modification of the site
Psychanalyse Online reserves the right to modify or correct the contents of this site and these terms of use at any given moment and without prior notice.

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