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François-Marie Monnier
Le Jas de Collavery
2250 Chemin du Seuil
13760 Saint Cannat
Tél: +33 (0)6 82 59 85 24
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Lun. 13 Janvier 25 01:01 GMT+0100

General business conditions

1/ Services
The site provides services to be paid for, which are dependent on the acceptance of these present general conditions.

2/ Payment
Payment may be made by credit card.
The valid credit cards for the online payment terminal (TPE) are: the French national credit cards (CB), international Eurocard and Mastercard and the international cards.
Online payment will be paid under secure mode (SSL protocol) via the BNP Paribas bank.

3/ Personal data
In conformity with article 34 of the Law of 6th January 1978, you have a personal right to be able to modify, correct or suppress personal information about you, a right which may be exercised by sending an e-mail to the site.

4/ Confidentiality
All information transmitted as part of the consultation will remain confidential.
The psychoanalyst and the patient promise not to divulge on Internet the content of the session.
No personal information about you may be surrendered to a third party or used for any reason not agreed by you.
The interception of this information by third parties in spite of the security system cannot engage the responsibility of the psychoanalyst.

5/ Modalities of the consultation
If the psychoanalyst is not connected at the time agreed for the consultation, the patient will have his fee returned.
If the patient is late for consultation, the time lost will not be compensated by prolonging the session, this being in consideration of the psychoanalyst's limited available time.

6/ Modifications
"Psychoanalysis-on-line" reserves itself the right to modify its general conditions without forewarning or delay.
Consequently, the patient is recommended to consult them each time he comes on the site.
Any modifications made will apply to each subsequent request for consultation.

7/ Responsibility
"Psychoanalysis-on line" cannot be held responsible for total or partial unavailability of the site due to Force Majeure or a technical problem imposed by the site's internet service provider, and the same applies to interruptions for maintenance or updating the site.
By the nature of the network, the transmission of information by internet may involve difficulties in spite of any technical arrangements put in place by "Psychoanalysis-on line", and thereafter it will not be held responsible for the said difficulties. 

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